Interview: Angelia Collins Sehbaoui, fashion designer

As I connect with mask makers over our shared experience, it's striking how many of us just picked up and pivoted our focus and in some cases our own business to fill the urgent need for PPE.

This does not make us heroes, it makes us helpers. 

It does not mean we have superpowers, it means we have applicable skills. 

And it does not mean we aren't mourning the loss of our creative careers even as we throw our shoulders to the wheel making these PPE.

I'm glad that big names like GM and Christian Siriano have converted their manufacturing to ventilators and masks, but I'm glad that this profile series is highlighting how many of us with our own small businesses or just a sewing room in the house have done so as well.

Today my profile subject is Angelia Collins Sehbahoui.

What is your profession in non-pandemic times? 

Fashion designer and business owner. 

What sorts of projects would you be working on, were we living in normal times? What spurred you to start sewing masks?   

I had just set up my business to do cut and sew contracts. What spurred me to activate and get busy making mask was the fact that our medical professional didn’t have adequate mask and protective gear. I was appalled and upset. So I reached out on FB via post asking my family and friends in the medical field to inbox me if they needed mask. They did and that’s how I got started. As I wore the mask I realized how hot it was and the smell of your own breath could become bothersome. So I created cooling packets that allows the face mask to be cool, fresh, and enhances breathing. 

I love the cooling packet innovation! I feel like that's going to be especially useful as the weather grows warmer. 

If you are accepting donations, how can people help?  

I can be reached at 240-416-6917 and I would appreciate any kind of donations. 

Are you affiliated with one of the larger initiatives like Masks4All, Mask Crusaders, etc., or if not, for whom do you make your PPE?
I am not apart of any initiatives. Honestly I hadn’t had time to find any because I’ve been so busy with orders from friends and family. But now today things have slowed and would love to be part of any organization. Thanks so much for allowing me to share a voice.

Thank you for contributing your story!  

Second year graduate student Ellen Cornette made this leather pauldron for her Armor I project, which she presented this past week via Zoom. 


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