Interview: Denise Chukhina of Skeleton Key Cosplay

Denise shared this photo about a month ago--
masks she'd made for UNC Hospitals as well as the boxes of gloves she donated.

Today's profile is on another alumna of the UNC-Chapel Hill MFA program, Denise Chukhina! 

In addition to being a friend and former student, Denise still lives in the Triangle and we're in a couple of geographically-based PPE-makers' Facebook groups together. I'm excited to have her participate in this series because she's managed to keep working at her cosplay costume-making business while also making PPE.

What is your profession in non-pandemic times? 

I am a freelance costume maker mostly making costumes for cosplayers. Occasionally I will freelance for theatres in the Triangle area such as the Carolina Ballet.

What sorts of projects would you be working on (are still working on?), were we living in normal times? 

I am balancing mask making and coordinating in the Triangle area as well as working through costume orders I have through my business. This week I am making a Kylo Ren costume, and next week I will be working on a Rey costume. 

Related to mask making: I will have conversations with other people in the Triangle area coordinating getting supplies and answering sewing-related questions throughout the week. I also spend a day or two per week devoted to mask making.

What spurred you to start sewing masks? 

I thought it was important to contribute to the call for handmade masks in the healthcare world and in communities at large. I had the thought that I have a very useful skill in regards to helping people stay a bit safer during this pandemic. It also gave me an outlet to put my anxious energy into something productive, rather than binge watching Netflix shows. It's a bit scary even going to the grocery store now, but I feel much better if I can contribute to the well-being of others.

Are you affiliated with one of the larger initiatives like Masks4All, Mask Crusaders, etc., or if not, for whom do you make your PPE? 

I am in a few Facebook groups related to mask making so I keep up to date on relevant information. So far I have made masks for friends/ family, UNC Hospitals, a hospital in Connecticut, veterinarian offices, funeral homes- essentially anyone who has reached out to me. I'm hoping to get involved in making masks for the underserved in our area soon as well.

If you have a professional website for your non-pandemic job, please share it here. 

Instagram: skeleton.key.cosplay

If you are accepting donations or selling masks online, how can people donate or buy?

You can send me a message through Instagram or my Facebook page under: skeleton key cosplay

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview, Denise!  

If you are a professional who's making PPE after losing your clients/work/market/gigs/etc to the pandemic (or if, like Denise, you are still making costumes but also making PPE) and would like to be part of this profile series, comment on this post or drop me a DM on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.


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