Book review: Safety & Health for the Stage by William J. Reynolds

I was so thrilled to learn about this new publication, Safety & Health for the Stage by William J. Reynolds, particularly in light of the fact that my career safety reference--Health & Safety Guide for Film, TV, & Theatre by Monona Rossol was issued in a second edition back in 2010. Much has changed in the industry and the greater industrial safety regulation standards in the past 12 years.

This is not the same kind of book as the Rossol text. It's not a handbook for professional artists in the field to explain and demystify all aspects of industrial health and safety as it applies to our fields.

Rather, it's a reference for theatre leadership, company managers, and facilities supervisors on the state of health and safety in the field and where to begin establishing procedures and practices for a company or academic department. 

So it's not the book I hoped it would be, but it's even more necessary and timely, and an interesting read if you have an interest in safe work practices, whether you have the power to change the institutional culture/expectations at your workplace or not.


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